FONTANA / MELOTTI : Angelic Spaces and Infinite Geometries
28 Sep-18 Nov 2016

Curated by: Daniela Ferrari. Mazzoleni is pleased to announce an exhibition outlining the influential relationship between two major Post-War Italian artists, Lucio Fontana (1899–1968) and Fausto Melotti (1901– 1986). Curated by Daniela Ferrari, art historian and curator at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto (MART), Italy, ‘Angelic Spaces and Infinite Geometries’ will explore the parallels in the theory and practice of both artists, focusing on their later work and the ways in which both artists conceived of and responded to notions of space and geometry. The exhibition will highlight the role that the two artists had in creating a new type of Italian art, particularly sculpture, that presented an innovative way of interpreting space, emptiness and infinity.