Selma Parlour : Activities for the abyss
21 Nov 2019-25 Jan 2020

Selma Parlour is a prolific award-winning artist known for her oil paintings that look as though they are drawn, dyed, or printed. With over 30 unseen artworks from the last 2 years, ‘Activities for the Abyss’ showcases the artist’s soft films of luminescent colour, her delicately-rendered pencil-like oil-made lines and sumptuously refined matt surfaces, her diagrammatic approach that stresses painting’s two-dimensionality, her units of colour inlaid as though through a process of marquetry, her fascination with homeless representation, trompe-l’oeil illusion, multistable perception, and cognitive completion, her emphasis on mise en abyme, repetition (with variation and displacement), and the material apparatus of painting, as well as her architectural and virtual spatial explorations.