
Harm van den Dorpel : Asking for a friend

23 Nov 2017-3 Feb 2018

Narrative Projects
London W1W 6XR


For his second solo show with the gallery, Harm van den Dorpel proposes a selection of recent works from multiple series of semi-algorithmically generated work. Besides wall works, which function as preliminary material conclusions, software from which the work emerged is also on display. The expression 'asking for a friend' is used when the person asking feels embarrassed and pretends to be asking for somebody else. The subject that poses the sensitive question introduces an imaginary constructed proxy onto which feelings of shame or guilt might be projected. Similarly, Harm van den Dorpel does not create his work directly himself. Rather, he devises software which stands in for him, raising questions about artistic agency and identity in our era of artificial intelligence and increased automation.