

26 Sep 2014-1 Jan 2000

Michael Werner Gallery
London W1K 7PZ


Fanal 4 - new LP on sonig by Kai Althoff. Record release 26 September, 6-8pm at Michael Werner Gallery London. Signed copies will be available. --- The story of Kai Althoff's music is a deeply personal and richly complex one - but that's not to say that it's ever too late to immerse yourself. His first group, Workshop, once included the following text on an album cover: People take action to receive certain results, like Workshop now giving in to a momentary urge to make music. --- There's no better way to introduce Fanal 4 than as a "giving in to a momentary urge to make music." Fanal 4 strikes the listener as a document of Althoff giving in to various impulses - fleeting, fugitive, often inchoate ones, to be sure, but isn't that a primary allure of the record?


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