
Thomas Raat: 2.II

11 Apr-25 Apr 2015

London E2 8NA


2.II continues Raat's exploration into the influence of Modernism and the movement it creates from avant garde to the conventional and domesticated. A cultural slipstream in which old meets new. Functional objects become formal forms in the exibition; doors become paintings and door handles become their gestural motifs. A wallpaper, produced by the artist, appropriates a work by infamous Dutch artist Hans van Meegeren whose kitsch reproductions of animals at one point hung in almost a third of Dutch households. Through different forms of reproduction, doubling, and inversion, Raat plays in a painterly fashion with the power and significance of cultural transition and change. 2.II is Thomas Raat's second project with ANDOR following his 2011 exhibition, TWO THOUSAND ELEVEN.