
Marianne Spurr Today

13 Jun-27 Jun 2015

London E2 8NA


Marianne Spurr lives and works in London and graduated from the Royal College of Art, MA painting, in 2012. Recent exhibitions and projects include Last Night, Parallel Oaxaca / Material Art Fair, Mexico City (2015); Exquisite Collapse, blip blip blip, Leeds (2015); A Union of Voices, Horatio Junior, London (2014); Light/Materiality, Second Home, London (2014); Open Heart Surgery, The Moving Museum, London (2013); Young London, V22, London (2013); Pop Tarts, James Fuentes, New York (2013); Managing Bounces, Cell Project Space, London (2013); Plenitude, Carl Freedman Gallery, London (2012); LOT, CUL DE SAC, London (2012); Samara Scott & Marianne Spurr, Seventeen, London (2012).