The Continuation of Romance : Painting - An Interrupted Discourse
28 Sep 2012-8 Jan 2013

A group show of fourteen international artists working in painting, the exhibition will contain a variety of artists’ approaches to mark making. Just as painting has been intermittently pronounced “dead”, “beauty” has been labelled a mere paean to the bourgeoisie inducing nothing more than a mere passive appreciation. This exhibition will attempt both to show that painting is still very much alive but also that “beauty” rather than being passive, can have cathartic powers. Through both abstract and figurative examples, this show will contain a variety of artists’ approach to mark making and will attempt to stimulate thoughts on the mystery of man’s continued ability to find and convey inspiration through drawing and painting. Enrique Brinkmann, Emmanuel Barcillon, Piero Pizzi Cannella, Nicola Samori, Zsolt Bodoni, Nadia Hebson, Aida Rubio Gonzalez, Francisco Corcuera, Eduardo Stupia, Bram Bogart, Toti Scialoja, Bogdan Vladuta