
Jonny Briggs : Ancestral Home

26 Apr-21 May 2013

Simon Oldfield
London W1K 2SZ


Jonny Briggs’ first UK solo show, Ancestral Home. New photography, photomontage, tapestry and sculpture presented alongside a laboratory incubator growing mutated human cells. Human cervical cancer cells in the form of a small house are grown during the exhibition. Jonny Briggs (b. 1985) lives and works in London. Studied at Chelsea College of Art and Royal College of Art (MA) in London. Saatchi’s New Sensations 2011 Winner, Conran Award, Lumi Honorary Art Award, Catlin Prize (Finalist). Shown at Saatchi Gallery, 176 Zabludowicz Collection, Photographers’ Gallery and FaMa Gallery in Verona.