Eddie Peake : DEM
8 Mar-25 Mar 2012

Cell Project Space will present a solo project by Eddie Peake; in the gallery's third solo commission for the CYcLORAMA programme. The artist will transform Cell Project Space, stripping away the notion of performance as 'the happening’, the familiar format within a gallery. In addition to scheduled weekly performances Peake will exhibit a continuous episode of event over the period of one month, defying the usual role performance might play in a gallery setting as the one-off temporal moment. Highlighting the slippage between performance event and gallery exhibition, the artist will present moving image and performance in tandem- the one completing the other. Peake’s work could be described as the last gasp of joyfully narcissistic play, often putting himself at centre stage irrespective of whether he is visible in the work or not. A union of personal friendships, family members and auditionees become the players inside his expansive and multi-layered works. The effect develops an empathetic relationship between the work and its audience, and forms a play on the idea of artist as genius.