Ghislaine Leung : The Moves
1 Feb-19 Mar 2017

Cell Project Space presents a solo exhibition and event by London and Brussels based artist Ghislaine Leung. The Moves, comprises of two newly commissioned bodies of work incorporating text, sound and large scale structures. Neither medium specific nor conceptually predetermined, Leung uses an expanded range of materials to amplify, distend and fold together mutual dependencies of work and context. With a background in artists' moving image discourse, her practice is editorial in the most material and rhythmic sense, incorporating breaths, repetitions and cadence. It is this compositional labour of subtraction that spans and meshes Leung's works, doubling holes and constellating fragments, immersive in their evasion, opaque in their transparency. Here the terms of critique are more in motion than oppositional, felt through the skin and in the mouth.