Turner Contemporary and the British Museum Commission : Hannah Lees
8 Oct 2016-8 Jan 2017

Turner Contemporary and the British Museum (National Programmes) have commissioned artist Hannah Lees to create a new work for the Clore Learning Studio at Turner Contemporary in response to the British Museum’s collection of Roman Samian Ware pottery found along the coast near Whitstable. Known as Pudding Pan pots, these Roman bowls, plates and cups were first brought ashore in the 18th century by fishermen around Herne Bay. The pottery was made in Lezoux (central Gaul) and transported by ship to Britain during the late second century AD, but the ship carrying the Samiam Ware was wrecked off the coast of Kent. Although the exact location of the wreck is unknown it is thought to lie near Pudding Pan Rock, a site visible from Turner Contemporary’s Learning Studio. The pottery found by the fishermen was sometimes used by local families to cook and eat or sold to antiquaries.