Bill Brandt / Henry Moore
1 Jan 2000-1 Nov 2020

This exhibition explores the parallel and intersecting paths of these two great artists of the 20th century. The photographer Bill Brandt and the sculptor Henry Moore first met during the Second World War, when they both created images of civilians sheltering from the Blitz in the London Underground. This major exhibition brings together over 200 works highlighting the relationships between sculpture, photography, drawing and collage revealed through Brandt and Moore’s shared interests in the subjects and themes of labour, society, industry, the British landscape and the human body. Moore’s celebrated Reclining Figure sculptures and Brandt’s well-known photographs of coal miners and their families in Durham and Yorkshire are on display, alongside rare original colour transparencies by Brandt, and Moore’s little-known photo collages. £7.50 / £5 / FREE for Members, Wakefield Residents & Under 16s