Marcia Farquhar: Day of the Dead doll making workshop
1 Nov 2014

Grand Union is proud to introduce Larger Than Life, a solo exhibition by Marcia Farquhar. The exhibition presents a series of newly commissioned works comprising performance, installation, video, audio and sculpture. Opening as an unfinished display, Larger than Life will evolve throughout its duration, with additions to the work being made in collaboration with visitors and other practitioners. -- Continuing Marcia’s exploration of scale, the exhibition orchestrates a number of situations in which visitors encounter psychological and physical manipulations to their own shape and size. Much of the work alludes to the story of local giantess Jane ‘Jinny’ Bunford, reputably the tallest woman in English medical history. Other aspects borrow from personal narratives, blending the biographical and autobiographical, while calling into question their authenticity. -- Join the artist on 1st November, when she will be taking a Day of the Dead doll making workshop. Open to all ages, and free of charge. Booking essential.