QUAD FORMAT : Beyond Evidence
13 Mar-7 Jun 2015

The exhibition in QUAD Gallery takes its cue from the legendary work Evidence by Larry Sultan and Mike Mandel from 1977 and presents a diversity of contemporary artistic positions that all use their own visual strategies to explore, question and undermine our preconceptions of evidence and its use within the medium of photography, art and visual culture. Featuring: Larry Sultan & Mike Mandel, Yann Mingard, Andrea Botto, Thomas Keenan & Eyal Weizman, Mishka Henner, Simon Menner, Regine Petersen, LA-X Collection Klaus Weidner, Tiane Doan na Champassak, Sara-Lena Maierhofer, Lukas Einsele, Miti Ruangkritya, Giorgio Di Noto, Tiphanie Mall, João Pina, Cristina De Middel, Natasha Caruana, Murray Ballard, Edmund Clark, Arianna Arcara & Luca Santese, Stéphanie Solinas and Werker Magazine with Mohamed Bousouf.Curated by Lars Willumeit and Louise Clements