Taus Makhacheva : Hold Your Horses
7 Feb-29 Nov 2020

With Super Taus, Superhero Sighting Society and The Unbound. "Imagine unclimbed mountains surrounded by voices; accounts of superhero sightings. Imagine the landscape of a tireless traveller, and attempts to move large volumes of rock (real and imaginary) with the help of winds, daydreaming and bare hands. Hold your horses." Hold Your Horses speaks to the traditions of history-making and the experience of everyday life. Makhacheva's position isn't nostalgic; instead she creates stories and even superheroes through a playful process of mixing, borrowing and assimilation. Often drawing from daily life in Dagestan and the Caucasus region of Russia, Makhacheva reflects on the day-to-day rituals, celebrations and instances of everyday heroism with a playful and humorous tone.