Reflections from Damaged Life : An exhibition on psychedelia
26 Sep-15 Dec 2013

Jordan Belson, Jes Brinch, The Cockettes, The Exploding Galaxy, Öyvind Fahlström, Henriette Heise, Robert Horvitz, Pierre Huyghe, Sture Johannesson, Learning Site, Magma, David Medalla, Marta Minujín, The Otolith Group, Pramod Pati, Sigmar Polke, Willoughby Sharp and Tadanori Yokoo. To many artists in the sixties who referred to the counterculture, or who used hallucinogenic drugs as an artistic tool, the term ‘psychedelic’ was seen as compromised and the idea of a ‘psychedelic art’ resisted. It is for this reason that ‘psychedelic art’ cannot be easily categorised as a genre; neither can it be understood as an entirely overlooked art form.