
New Sensations 2009

9 Oct-18 Oct 2009

A Foundation, London
London E2 7ES


An exhibition of the 20 shortlisted graduates chosen by the judges will take place in London at the A Foundation at the Rochelle School in Shoreditch (9-18 October). Four finalists have been given a bursary to make a new work to present at the exhibition, and each of these 'New Sensations' will have a 3 Minute Wonder Channel 4 film made about them which will be aired in October. The winner of 2009 New Sensations will be announced in October. This year's judges are: artist Gavin Turk; Ralph Rugoff, director of the Hayward Gallery, London; critic Louisa Buck; and Alison Jacques, owner of Alison Jacques Gallery in London. The four finalists are: Oliver Beer Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, Oxford; Andreas Blank, Royal College of Art, London; Nick Goss Royal Academy Schools, London; and Regine Petersen Royal College of Art, London.