The Peckham Experiment
1 Jan 2000-7 Nov 2009

Curated by Space Station Sixty-Five directors Jo David and Rachael House. At Camberwell Space and other venues in Peckham, Camberwell and East Dulwich. Artists have been invited to make work in response to the innovative social health project The Peckham Experiment. Invited artists include Freee, Dean Kenning, Annie Whiles, Nicholas Cobb, Freddie Robins, Jay Cloth, Mark Wayman and Gayle Chong Kwan. The Peckham Experiment was a groundbreaking health centre focussing on wellness rather than the later NHS disease model (1926 -1950). Central to their philosophy was a belief that if left to themselves people would spontaneously begin to organise in a creative way. 1/10/09 6.00pm-8.30pm: The Peckham Experiment launch event at Camberwell Space with The Strawberry Thieves Socialist choir. 9/10/09 6.30pm-8.30pm: The Peckham Experiment Nicholas Cobb opening at Space Station Sixty-Five, 65 North Cross Road, SE22 9ET. 14/10/09 6.30pm-8.30pm: Book group at Review, 131 Bellenden Road, Peckham, SE15 4QY, to read Macroscope by Piers Anthony (booking required).