TALK : Jeremy Millar on 'FOUNDATIONS'
15 Aug 2009

Jeremy Millar, artist, writer, curator and inaugural director of Brighton Photo Biennial 2003, hosts a walk and talk through the new Towner Collection show, Foundations. This celebration of large scale contemporary works from Towner’s Collection features a variety of media, including painting, film, photography and sculpture, by artists including Anya Gallaccio, Tacita Dean and Jem Southam. Each work has played a pivotal role in Towner’s contemporary collecting, helping to shape Towner into the contemporary art museum of today. Jeremy will lead you on an informal guided tour of this exhibition, elaborating on each of the works and artists featured, with plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion! Saturday 15 August 2pm. £4 / £3 concessions. To book call 01323 434670 or email [email protected]