RE-FRESH : Chris Huen Sin Kan
13 May-16 Jun 2016

Across the 2016/17 programme Pilar Corrias Gallery will present RE-FRESH, a series of solo exhibitions which will contemplate the broad scope of painting at present. In his 2015 text, “The Sext Life of Painting” John Kelsey contextualises painting as a form of ‘refreshment’. Kelsey describes the experience of viewing painting within the context of an information and image saturated age, drawing comparison to the constant feed of information one experiences through vehicles like social media. RE-FRESH considers each exhibition as an iterative re-posting or re-freshing of the space, looking at the ways the medium is enacted in the work of each artist. The paintings of Hong Kong based emerging artist Chris Huen Sin Kan, are characterised by his pursuit to capture the details and miniutiae of everyday life.