Scott Eaton
18 Jun-23 Jun 2019

'Artist+AI: Figures & Form in the Age of Intelligent Machines' The convergence of the human hand and the latest Artificial Intelligence technology is explored in Scott Eaton’s debut exhibition, Artist+AI: Figures & Form in the Age of Intelligent Machines, which opens at Somerset House, London, on June 18, 2019. The exhibition combines the latest in generative artificial intelligence (AI) with the centuries old practices of drawing and sculpture. All of the featured works are a result of a dynamic interaction between Scott’s traditionally-trained hand and the AI tools he has ‘taught’ to work as his assistants. In doing so, Eaton, an interdisciplinary artist with a background in anatomy, sculpture and engineering, underscores the impact AI is set to have on art-making and in particular how it will change our perception and understanding of the human form.