Invites : Rachel Pimm
26 Jun-10 Aug 2014

Rachel Pimm works across sculpture, performance and video to explore the hybrid and fluid concepts of ‘naturalness and artificialness’. For Invites Pimm presents an exhibition titled Natural Selection. Charles Darwin’s theories, frequently remembered through the mutated term ‘survival of the fittest’ coined by Herbert Spencer in 1864, act as a departure point. Pimm alludes to the aggressive drive of any given species to survive and flourish, and links this to ecological greenwashing, increasingly used to camouflage corporate misdemeanours into the leafy background. Pimm points to both man-made technological interventions that involve the mimicry of natural forms, and the increasingly conflated physical spaces of retail, business, domesticity and leisure. Rachel Pimm (b. 1984 Harare, Zimbabwe) lives and works in London.