Jon Rafman
8 Oct-20 Dec 2015

Continuing its commitment to commissioning, collecting and exhibiting artists at pivotal points in their careers, the Collection is proud to present the first major Jon Rafman exhibition in the UK. Rafman makes environments, films, photographs and sculptures that examine the blurring of the real and virtual. Often constructing works which are composites of materials, including video footage, images, texts and quotes that he encounters in his extensive internet research, Rafman edits this material to create poetic new narratives, while never concealing their source. Occasionally shocking and always engaging, his works force the viewer to enter into uncomfortable and unsettling psychological realms. Leading up to his exhibition Rafman spent a number of months in the UK to produce a major new film and installation, which combined with his existing films, a continuation of his Oculus Rift project and new 'environments' have taken over the entire building at 176 Prince of Wales Road.