
Geographies of Contamination

31 Jan-29 Mar 2014

Draf (david Roberts Art Foundation)
London NW1 7JE


An exhibition curated by Vincent Honoré, Laura McLean-Ferris and Alex Scrimgeour with Olga Balema, Neil Beloufa, Nicolas Deshayes, David Douard, Renaud Jerez, Sam Lewitt, Marlie Mul, Magali Reus, and Rachel Rose. Acknowledging the challenge to the art object posed by models of networked circulation, the exhibition aims at tracing a growing interest in ‘polluted’ systems and processes, featuring artists who employ strategies and metaphors of spillage, disruption, and contamination. The changing relationship between objects and environments-and the effects of this shift on the place of the subject-makes the artwork an arena in which boundaries can be remade and unmade, or at least examined anew.