Tori Wrånes : Drastic Pants
24 Feb-2 Apr 2016

Carl Freedman Gallery presents Drastic Pants, the first major presentation in London of acclaimed performance artist Tori Wrånes. Incorporating prosthetic make up, sound installations, costumes, props and sculptures, Wrånes deforms her appearance and creates intense, dream-like constellations. Standout performances include a recent sold out performance at Sculpture Center, New York and Disjecta festival, Portland (both 2016), 1646, The Hague and Transart, Bolzano (both 2015), Sydney Biennale and Lilith Performance Studio, Malmö (both 2014) and Performa, New York (2013). Alongside her performances Wrånes has created an ongoing body of sculptural works. A new collection of floor and wall based works will be on show in the gallery.