Friedrich Kuhn
19 Jan-24 Feb 2013

Herald St are proud to announce the first solo exhibition of Friedrich Kuhn (1926-1972) outside of Switzerland. Kuhn was one of the most significant artists working in Zürich in the post war period. While the Zürcher Konkreten tried to continue in the modern tradition of abstract geometrical painting, Kuhn overcame outdated dogmas and instead sought out new means of art-production. The exhibition will merge multiple disciplines and not only display significant paintings, sculptures and works on paper from the mid to late period of his career, but also aim to highlight a more experimental side to his oeuvre by including oddities, paraphernalia and clothing. When he died in 1972 due to alcohol related problems, he was only 46 years old. In his short life he created a rich oeuvre that describes a unique iconography. Friedrich Kuhn is curated by Fredi Fischli and Niels Olsen who together run the exhibition space STUDIOLO in Zurich.