Fayçal Baghriche
20 Jan-29 Feb 2012

To coincide with Fayçal Baghriche’s current residency at A.i.R Dubai, Delfina Foundation is showcasing four of his short films to kick-start a new film programme for 2012. Fayçal Baghriche works with performance, photography, film and sculpture, examining everyday existence, behavioural forms and collective symbols. He often transforms the public realm into a venue for startling transgressions, absurd scenarios, and minimalist actions tinged with humour. He has shaped an artistic practice that embodies a distinctive state of mind and triggers thoughtful critical reaction. 'Point, line, particles' (2008) 2 mins, 24 secs, 'Labor market' (2003) 2 mins, 'Le sens de la marche' (Facing Forward) (2009) 5 mins, 15 secs, 'Philippe' (2008) 4 mins, 24 secs. See http://www.delfinafoundation.com/exhibitions_and_talks.php for more info.