
Thinking Tantra

24 Nov 2016-19 Feb 2017

Drawing Room
London SE1 5WS


Includes Prabhakar Barwe, Tom Chamberlain, Shezad Dawood, Nicola Durvasula, Alexander Gorlizki, Goutam Ghosh, Prafulla Mohanti, Jean-Luc Moulène, Badrinath Pandit, Anthony Pearson, Sohan Qadri, Prem Sahib, G.R. Santosh, Richard Tuttle, Acharya Vyakul and Claudia Wieser. A complex body of beliefs and practices, Tantra enables individuals to conjoin with cosmic forces and inhabit alternative dimensions. Omnipresent to those that are attuned, there are tools that facilitate tantric transcendence: rituals, sculptures, drawings, maps, and chants, to name but a few.