
Liu Xiaodong

27 Sep-2 Nov 2013

Lisson Gallery, 27 Bell St
London NW1 5BY


For his first exhibition in the UK, the Lisson Gallery has invited renowned Chinese artist Liu Xiaodong (pronounced ‘Shiow-dong’) to London to produce a new body of work for his inaugural show at the gallery. Over the next six weeks, Liu will embed himself in a nearby community, documenting his encounters with others, much as he has done on previous projects while living and painting among residents of Tibet, Japan, Italy, Cuba and Israel. As part of his direct and conceptual approach, Liu writes and draws in a journal and takes photographs before building a temporary studio on location, in order to paint en plein air or ‘xiesheng’ as it is known in Chinese.


Accordion Fields
Lisson Gallery, 67 Lisson St
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The Showroom
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The Wallace Collection
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The Leisure Centre
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Hamiltons Gallery
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until 18 May
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