
John Akomfrah

22 Jan-12 Mar 2016

Lisson Gallery, 27 Bell St
London NW1 5BY


In the new year Lisson Gallery presents John Akomfrah's first exhibition with the gallery, showing new and recent works. Akomfrah is a hugely respected artist and film-maker who investigates memory, post-colonialism, temporality and aesthetics in works that are as poetic as they are political, frequently exploring the experience of the African diaspora in Europe and the US. A founding member of the influential Black and Audio film Collective, his collaborative film 'Handsworth Songs' (1986) explored the 1985 riots in Birmingham and London winning numerous prizes and attracted a huge audience when shown in the wake of the 2011 riots. A new three-screen installation, 'Vertigo Sea', will be the subject of a major UK museum show early next year. He has been nominated for the prestigious Artes Mundi, the UK's largest art prize, of which the winner will be announced in early 2017.


Accordion Fields
Lisson Gallery, 67 Lisson St
until 4 May
The Showroom Mural Commission | Kay Abude, Be Creative Remain Resilient
The Showroom
until 28 Jul
Martin Assig
Patrick Heide Contemporary Art
until 18 May
Scene III: Chris Huen Sin-kan, Forwards & Backwards, Back & Forth
Matt Carey-Williams​​​​‌‍​‍​‍‌‍‌​‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‌‍‍​‍​‍​‍‍​‍​‍‌​‌‍​‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌​‌‍‌​‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​‍​‍​‍​​‍​‍‌‍‍​‌​‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌‍​‍​‍​‍‍​‍​‍​‍‌​‌‌​‌‌‌‌‍‌​‌‍‍‌‌‍​‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‌‌​‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‌​​‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌​‌‍‍‌‌‌​​‍‌‍‌‌‍‌‍‌​‌‍‌‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌‍‌‌
until 25 May
Ranjit Singh: Sikh, Warrior, King
The Wallace Collection
until 20 Oct
The Leisure Centre
The Brown Collection
until 3 Aug
Francis Picabia – Women: Works on Paper 1902-1950
Michael Werner Gallery
until 3 May
Tim Berresheim & Rechonski: temporal spelunking
until 26 Apr
Nick Waplington: Living Room
Hamiltons Gallery
until 25 May
Yinka Shonibare CBE: Suspended States
until 1 Sep
The Cluj Collective
JD Malat Gallery
until 27 Apr
François Morellet
Annely Juda Fine Art
until 14 May
It’s After the End of the World, Don’t You Know That Yet
Gagosian, Davies St.
until 18 May
Gavin Turk: The Conspiracy of Blindness
Ben Brown Fine Arts
until 10 May
Sadie Coles HQ, Davies Street
until 27 Apr
Albert Oehlen: New Paintings
Gagosian, Grosvenor Hill
until 11 May
Hélène Fauquet: Phenomena
until 25 May
Yto Barrada: Bite the Hand
until 11 May