Yemi Awosile : Orishirishi
4 May-15 Jul 2017

Stanley Picker Design Fellow 2015 Yemi Awosile will present her first solo exhibition Orishirishi from 4 May – 15 July. Orishirishi is a Nigerian (Yoruba) word taken from Awosile's family tribe's vocabulary meaning 'an assortment of different things'. As part of her working practice in textile design, Awosile repurposes everyday materials to explore changeability and adaptation. She uses textiles as a tool to convey connectivity and shared narratives, building an enquiry into the migratory movement of people and ideas. Orishirishi looks at unexpected parallels between different social groups, including sub-cultures rooted in urban spaces between Delhi (Khirkee extension) and London, casting a lens on the insatiable desire to maintain a sense of place and ownership over one’s identity through outward public personas.