
The Power of the Sea : Making Waves in British Art 1790-2014

5 Apr-6 Jul 2014

Royal West Of England Academy
Bristol BS8 1PX


Curated by Dr Janette Kerr PRWA and Professor Christiana Payne Turner, Constable and Hambling at the RWA - The Power of the Sea showcases work by internationally-renowned contemporary artists alongside key historical works from national and regional art collections in a celebration of the sea. From the sublime spectacle of crashing waves to the vast and open expanse of the oceans, the sea has long fascinated artists in Britain. The Power of the Sea is a major new art exhibition on show at Bristol’s Royal West of England Academy, offering a multi-disciplinary approach to this fascinating subject. The show features paintings by renowned artists from Turner and Constable to Piper and Lanyon, amongst an impressive range of British artists from the eighteenth century through to the present day.