BOOK A TABLE Preview : 22/09 from 6 to 9
18 Sep-7 Nov 2009

Coffee Tables by Tomoko Azumi, Stefan Eberstadt, Oliver King, Asif Khan,Tom Lovegrove, Jean-Claude Mattrat, David Restorick, Richard Roth, Spine, Nina Tolstrup, Corinna Warm and Lars Wolter. Exhibited together with a collection of minimalist Artists' Books – historical and contemporary – by a diverse group of artists, designers, photographers and writers including John Baldessari, Tom Benson, Brian Blow, Thomas Clark, Ib Geertsen, Stephen Gill, Michael Gitlin, Sol Lewitt, Jean-Claude Mattrat, Jasper Morrison,Bruno Munari, Olaf Nicolai, Julian Opie, Dieter Roth, Marc Volk, Marjorie Welish and many more.