

21 Nov 2014-10 Jan 2015

Purdy Hicks Gallery
London SW7 2LQ


Leila Jeffreys (born 1972, Papua New Guinea) has for many years photographed native Australian birds including Cockatoos, Budgerigars and Finches. She works alongside scientists researching endangered species; her profound ornithological knowledge and extensive travel are intrinsic to her work. Jeffreys' search for a conscientious way to photograph birds has given her projects from early on an inherent rigour. Seeking to document each variety of bird from a particular species she has worked regularly with wildlife rescue groups and conservation projects. Previously Jeffreys photographed Australia's national bird – the Budgerigar – a commonplace bird in its native country. A wish to express that the beauty of small birds is often overlooked led Jeffreys to photograph the Budgerigar with a similar approach given to a human portrait.