
IN EVERY DREAM HOME : Caroline Walker

18 Jul-8 Sep 2013

Pitzhanger Manor House & Gallery
London W5 5EQ


'In Every Dream Home' presents a series of paintings by Caroline Walker in her first solo exhibition within a public space. This summer, the London-based Scottish painter brings images of sun-drenched swimming pools and opulent architecture to PM Gallery & House within her bold, theatrical paintings. These idyllic domestic scenes are populated by women from all walks of life and depicting exclusively women to date, Walker explores the relationship between gender and architecture. Directing actors to play the roles of mother, daughter, friend, lover, owner or housekeeper or holiday maker, there is a sense of unease that permeates her staged scenes causing us to question our expectations about the identity and roles of women in relation to house and home. EVENTS: Saturday 31 August at 2pm – Exhibition Tour (free)