Sean Lynch : A Blow by Blow Account of Stone Carving in Oxford
12 Apr-8 Jun 2014

Through his projects, artist Sean Lynch develops representations of idiosyncratic moments from the past, perhaps almost forgotten, but which have left a trail of objects, events or narratives. Modern Art Oxford presents his latest project - A Blow by Blow Account of Stone Carving in Oxford. Here Lynch explores the work of 19th century stone carvers John and James O’Shea, whose naturalistic renditions of animals and plants are still visible in locations in Oxford and Dublin. A focal point of Lynch’s exhibition is a carving of a monkey within an architectural setting, completed by carver Stephen Burke following the style and working ethos of the O’Sheas. Accompanying photographs and a slide projection argue the ethnographical relevance of the O’Sheas to the identities and urban infrastructures of Dublin and Oxford.