Sola Oluiode : Hold My Hand
1 Oct-6 Oct 2019

Hold My Hand is Sola Olulode’s second solo exhibition following a year-long residency at Lewisham Arthouse, after being awarded their Studio Graduate. Over the course of the year, Olulode has been exploring the colour yellow – shifting away from blue as the dominant colour in her works – for an exciting new series. It marks the beginning of a series focusing on romance: these paintings are intimate scenes of dating and courtship. The figurative works are a queer love story following the ‘honeymoon period’ of a couple. Yellow becomes representative of the joy of falling in love, drawing from passionate love songs, music videos and film. This series comes from a dreamer’s desire for love to not be shrouded in politics, the figures living in their own bubble of sunshine. Fully embracing mixed media, the story is told using oil, acrylic, wax, oil bars, charcoal, oil pastels and ink.