So this is the Strong Sex : Women in Psychoanalysis
29 Nov 2017-4 Feb 2018

“So this is the Strong Sex” explores the lives and work of a number of women from the early history of psychoanalysis. Featuring Marie Bonaparte, Helene Deutsch, Emma Eckstein, Anna Freud, Lou Andreas-Salomé and Sabina Spielrein, this exhibition shows the influence they had on Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis, using materials from the Sigmund Freud Museum in Vienna. The show will connect the achievements of these figures with the era in which they lived and seeks to challenge the ideas of: psychoanalysis as a science dominated by men and issues of childcare in Vienna of the 1920s and 1930s. It will also approach psychoanalytic topics such as the Oedipus complex, transference and counter transference, sexuality and femininity. This opening up of the archive is an opportunity to discover the personal correspondence of the Freud Family, and their most trusted confidantes. There is a chance to see unpublished letters from Princess Marie Bonaparte, a figure integral to the Freud family’s escape from the Nazis.