Mathieu Julien

b. 1982, France
Born in 1982 in Bordeaux, Mathieu Julien is part of a French art collective titled “Modern Jazz”, alongisde artists Jin Angdoo, Hams Klemens, and Kevin Pinsembert, based between Paris and Marseille. Freed from the tradition of academic art, Matheiu Julien’s work is optimised by his improvisations on colour theory. His colours disobediently form crooked squares and rectangles, or elongated stalks. Some colour combinations make two areas of the canvas compete with each other, creating areas of both tension and calm. The works are colourful mosaics built of windows, goal posts, entrances, streets and bars, the colouring-in is like playing with Lego bricks; a celebration of paint. Julien Currently lives and works between Los Angeles and Paris.