Jamilah Sabur

b. 1987, Jamaica
Metaphysics, geology, and memory are recurrent themes in the work of Jamilah Sabur. In her practice, the artist employs a distinct poetics, reframing territory and language. She explores the temporary nature of existence and our fleeting presence in it, a thread that connects us all. A new planetary literacy emerges in her work, where alternate geographies become possible as submerged histories are revealed.
Recent and upcoming projects include The Harvesters, Bass Museum, Miami, Florida (USA), The mountain sings underwater, Momenta Biennale, PHI Foundation for Contemporary Art, Montreal (Canada), Sinking Feeling, Or Gallery, Vancouver (Canada), Here and Now: Recent Acquisitions, University of Maryland Art Gallery, Maryland (USA), and Prospect 5, New Orleans: Yesterday we said tomorrow, New Orleans, Louisiana (USA).